Saturday, September 14, 2013

Custom (all stainless steel) Turbo Piping and Exhaust

The car just came back to the workshop after 4 days at Puchong for piping work. Custom all stainless steel turbo piping and to install custom 3 inches turbo back exhaust . I'm still in Terengganu and cannot wait to see the works on the car. 

Still need to source a radiator and fans before the wiring work can begin..and I have forgot to take the photo of the exhaust ;) will try to post it later. 


  1. Hi... I also hv same engine in my w124... Wonder if we can meet up for TT n discuss bout our monsters.... 0192610079 Azmir

  2. How did the wiring go? What all did you have to cut and splice to get the 1jz working with the w124 ecu? I want to put a 1jz in my w124 300CE and am trying to get everything together before going with it. What about axles and differential?

  3. Pls like "Mercedes 1jz garage" on FB

  4. el cárter del motor que se necesita para el cambie en que posición va delantero o trasero el del 1jz

  5. TaRi moa ni pudhi, me to do the same.
